Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Skip this

I realized as I was reading last night that I must have been starting to doze off.  I would read a while and then have to re-read the paragraph again or find my place.  I did this a few times.  I must have caught myself doing this fairly quickly since the Nook didn't actually bang me in the forehead.  I was catching it just as it was coming toward my face but before impact.  That was when I decided it was late enough for me to put it aside, turn out the light and go to sleep.  I have experienced the head banging before and really now, how many times do I need to be hit in the head before I put the book away?
I did put it aside but was thinking that it was funny when I came across a line from this particular book that said..."Who made you king?"  I couldn't actually believe I was reading it at the time.  At least the author was wise enough not to use it's full content of "Who died and made you king?" like I did.  I've already discussed that there is a pretty obvious answer to that question which is the former king, of course.  But enough...I was just thinking of the coincidence that I had actually said the line and then later it was actually used in a book I was reading.  How do those things happen?
So with the book aside, the lights out, I didn't have any problem sleeping.  Until 3:30 and there was a mysterious faint chime sounding.  It happened once and I ignored it.  Then it happened again.  What was that?  I had never heard it before.  For lack of anything better to do I picked up my cell phone from my nightstand and looked at it.  I wasn't sure why I went for the phone but it does make all kinds of noises for all different kinds of things so I thought why not.  I didn't think it was the Nook.
It turned out my cell battery was low and I guess it was warning me.  I plugged it in and charged it up.

There isn't any big moral to this story.  There isn't even anything interesting going on...just simply routine things that came up.  I'm only using this post as a tool today and I didn't have a better topic. 
That's the way it goes sometimes.  Sometime, mid-week, it can get uninteresting and simple.


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