Saturday, February 5, 2011


It would be untrue to say the weather hasn't gotten me down.  As much as I tried not to let it affect me it has certainly managed to thrash me quite well.  I don't know why it becomes such a major issue.  I tried really, really hard this year not to let it happen.  I don't have an inkling why this happens to me.  I have a real aversion to this weather.   
I was almost through the worst parts of it and I was still fairing well - okay, I was fairing poorly but pretending well and attitude is a huge part of the game.  Or so I thought.
When it finally got a grip on me I was so worn down there was no escaping it.  I was hiding, hibernating, and not allowing myself to venture anywhere.  I was trapped and didn't have any desire to do any of the things I would usually do.  I couldn't.  It had crippled me.
I forced myself out today and although the temperature was hoving around 58 degrees it felt much colder.  The fact that we were below freezing for three days and it is still dipping into the 20's each evening doesn't allow it to warm properly.  At least not for me.  So it has worn me down, taken a hard grasp and beaten me up.
It shouldn't feel that way.  But it does.  And then I shut down.
I know it will pass.  I know I am being irrational.  I will get over it.
I'm just cold.


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