Sunday, March 11, 2012

What time?

A loud clap of thunder followed by a tearing flash of lightning woke me this morning.  It was raining murderously hard and I knew we were getting another very good storm.  I glanced at my night-side table clock and the red glowing digital numbers read 4:49am.  But it wasn't.  A few minutes later my phone alarm on the same table started it's weekend bleeping and it was 6:00am.  No.  The power had not gone out.  The red digital numbers on my clock weren't blinking.  The clocks were as accurate as they were set.  We lost an hour this weekend.  Gone.  It's 7:00am now and still dark but that might be due to the storm.  I can't tell yet.  It should mean the day will stay light longer.  Which is a good thing.
Longer light at the end of the day.  Warmer temperatures around the corner.  The rain storm will pass and leave  everything fresh and washed.  Sounds good to me whatever time it is.


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