Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Clumsy x2

There is nothing that feels as humiliating and clumsy as falling when you go out for a run.  The weather was another perfect afternoon.  I was itching to get my new running shoes on my feet and put my feet to the pavement.  The temperature was about 80, it was slightly cloudy with the sun peaking out in some spots, and it had been way too long since I had the chance to put myself into the mix.  There was no stopping me this time.  This run had finally surfaced at the top of my priority list and it was the perfect time to take advantage of it.  I wasn't going out long but for just a quick three miles around the neighborhood to prime myself for another glorious run the following day and the day after that.  I was finally going to be able to get this consistency back to where I want it and everything was falling into place quite nicely.
Falling.  Here is the key word of the day.  I hit mile one feeling absolutely great!  Down the street and turn.  Here is the rocky pathway that must be all of 1/16 of a mile, maybe that long, probably shorter.  I'm very aware of the jutting rocks half buried along this short path and I've fallen here before so I am usually on the look-out.  No matter.  Bam!  On the ground.  Slightly skinned right knee and mildly scraped palms.  It hurts more than anything else.  Pride the most, since cars passing on the side must have seen me fall and now see me sitting on the ground.  Then pain because of the small gravel I have to brush off my hands and knee. 
But I've done this before right here at this same spot.  Can't believe I've done it again but I'm feeling too good on this run to stop and it's time to get up and catch up with those other two miles I have to go.  And I did and I felt terrific!  It was easy, it was rhythm, it was all working and I was just a quarter mile from home.  And there I was again.  Again!  This time I'm on sidewalk that has only short grassy portions in between business driveways.  Bam!  I was on the grass and fell on the sidewalk.  Hard!  This time my foot got caught on some wire that was hidden in the grass and made me fall forward on the sidewalk.  I fell all the way down stopping myself with my right knee (again), palms and lip.  Ogufh!  Now I'm really embarrassed.  I know the man in the car passing must have seen me because I looked up and I saw him.  Then I hurt awful.  My lip hit a tooth and I knew it must be bleeding.  Geez.  Not pretty.  But get up and go home.
I'm still sore this morning.  My right knee is scraped up pretty bad.  My right elbow has an amusing red streak.  My palms are visibly bruised and my lip - yes - it's split.   It seems to be healing nicely overnight but still obviously busted.  I'm sore and humiliated and Jay wants me to only run at the gym which I told him no but I knew he would say something like that when he saw me.  It just adds to my humiliation about the silly incident(s). 
Nothing worse.  I might just have to walk it off today after work.


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