Monday, March 26, 2012


Here I go into the last week of March.  Monday morning is here and knocking hard on my door.  It seems anxious to get started and wants to make sure I'm up and ready to get going.  Well, yeah, I'm up!  I'm ready as far as being able to say I can get going and I will just need to put aside the sighing wishes of having more of the weekend.  There will be another coming soon.
I started out yesterday with an 8 mile run.  I wanted to be sure to get a head start on the 25 miles I will still need before the end of the month to put me at a total of 75.  The weather was still a little misty but pleasant all the same.  It was a good run and a good way to start the day.  I went to sync my run afterward to my site and (of course) since I had had such a good long run it glitched.  It gave me credit for the run in my overall total but it put the run on the wrong date.  I couldn't figure out why it wasn't showing up for March 25 until I realized it put the run on 12/8/11!  That won't do me any good for a challenge I have going in March!  I zipped an email out to nike+ tech support.  I got one back saying it wouldn't be a problem to correct.  I'm still waiting.  So if it doesn't move over from December and show up for March it's still in there.  I know I ran 8 miles and have 17 more for the week.  Maybe I have too many gadgets because now I'm waiting on nike and I'm still waiting on my phone and I'm definitely waiting for the weekend...
But I'm not just waiting.  I have all these things going on to keep me occupied.  And I better get going and open the door.  Monday can be so persistant.


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