Friday, March 30, 2012

No scurrying

UPDATED:  Friday, 3/30/12 1:09pm
Just finished a 4.03 mile run.  WOO-HOOT!  I've sync'd everything up and it is showing I have 72.34 miles clocked for March.  I still have until midnight tomorrow to finish my challenges and with only a mere 2.66 miles to go for 75 it's in the bag!  I wasn't paying attention to those .32 and .22 and .43 miles at the end of each run this week and they are paying me back now.  But now I only have a bit of time to get ready for this wedding!  Talk about scurrying...
Original Post
I don't really know what has happened this week.  It's Friday already.  Already.  And today I have a short day with a long list.  I've got a feeling it is going to be one of those accelerated days when I mean to do this and should have time to get that done at a particular moment and it might not happen and time will proceed while I try to figure out what happened to the time I thought I had and I start to scurry.  I don't like to scurry.  Scurrying is for small rodents.  And yet that is exactly how I feel when all the things on my long list get taken over by the short time I have to do them all in.  Like a brainless small rodent.
Ooookaaaay, now.  Um, if I might, I think I'd like to move away from that image and that way of thinking.  It probably isn't the way I should be taking on what I know will be a short period of time for the many things I have to do in a few hours that will occur from noon until 3:00 today. 
Basically, I will be at work until noon.  At noon I will leave and stop on the way home to purchase the wedding gift I didn't have a chance to pick up yesterday.  Since I know what I am getting and the store is on the way home it shouldn't take more than a few minutes (what 15-20 tops)?  Then it's home, dash to change, and out the door because I will, NO, this is priority, I Will dash out to run!  I will get my run in today and that is my allotted time.  Then after my run it's quickly shower, dress, change (yes, figured out the dress, shoes, and bag last night) and hopefully, by that time it isn't much more than 2:15.  I figure it is going to take me at least that long to drive to the church which might as well be on the otherside of the universe from me, it's that far.  The wedding starts at 3:00.  When I sit in that pew, then I can take a breath and relax.  Then the reception at 5:30.  And then I had this thought last night since I have been logging every single thing I have been eating lately.  Is it weird that I pre-searched the calories and nutrition in wedding cake and champagne?  4 oz of champagne has 91 calories and a slice of wedding cake has about 258.  I could skip the cake and add that amount for another glass of champagne with less calories...but then I have to drive back to my side of the universe and maybe it's a better idea to have a few forkfuls of cake with the 4 oz of champagne.  This isn't helping.  I've gone off in the wrong direction again.  I need to take it down a notch and hopefully I will get it all out and shake it all off when I go out for my run.  Because I will run! 
And no, none of this scurrying stuff.


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