Sunday, March 18, 2012


7:00am Sunday morning.
I'm dressed and ready to hit the pavement but just waiting for the tiniest bit more light.  I'm anxious and looking forward to getting started.  It's been a long while since I've been able to go out this early, when it's quiet and the day is just breaking through.  Can't wait and I'm just stalling for time and light...
9:15am Sunday morning.
I've gotten my run in and there are promises for breakfast.  Yesterday I set my run for 4 miles and I did 6.  What's 2 miles?  Today I set it for 5 miles and did 7.  What's 2 miles?  It's great being able to start out the day like this.  It's still early enough to have the entire day ahead and I'm already energized and want so much more to do than sit in front of this backlit box.  I can hear the outdoors calling.  I mean really, look what's out there without going more than a few miles from home?



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