Thursday, March 22, 2012

Done did it

I've done the deed and got the 50 miles for the month done did.  I can't go back, I can't take them away, and I can't un-run them.  They are in the books, on the charts, and that's the way it is.  That means I did meet the challenge I put myself in for the month.  I will be able to check that goal off the list. 
But I had actually signed myself up for two challenges this month.  The one for 50 miles I have already managed to complete.  I have another that I (foolishly?) signed up for that I also have until the end of the month to complete.  It's for 75 miles by end of day 3/31.  That would mean I have 25 miles still to go.  I've hit the 50 mile marker but I'm not done yet.  The month isn't over yet and what am I going to do?  I can't exactly sit it out for the next nine days doing nothing and wait until April 1st.
I might need to take a breath, regroup, think  None of that.  No need to re-group or re-think.  Taking a breath might be alright but then get out and run, silly girl.  Just get out and run.


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