Friday, December 28, 2012

Down to business

I probably should get down to some kind of business today.  You couldn't wipe the smile off my face from the sheer thought of not having an agenda but maybe I should actually do something?  I've gotten so chill and relaxed this week that I didn't even blink when I dropped and broke my favorite chocolate brown coffee mug.  Now that is pretty chill.  I mean, really, it's the only mug that is... well it's the only mug that I...  Ah, well, shrug and I picked up the broken pieces.
The fact is there are things I can do and maybe I will but then again I'll have to see how it all goes.  I've left the stress and pressures behind and I'm not thinking too much about having to get anything done.  I might actually have a clearer head when I decide to do the things I'm thinking about doing.  Like going out to buy a new coffee mug. 
Such big responsibilities. 


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