Saturday, August 1, 2009

Time off?

I have been off of work these past few days (3 counting today) and I don’t know what time it is. I am losing track of time. I have been sleeping two hours past my normal internal clock time to wake up. That should have been the first sign that something was up. I always wake up at pretty much the same time every day, even on weekends. I have friends that are appalled that I don’t seem to have a buffer on weekends and stay in bed longer. Sometimes I do stay in bed longer but it’s never two hours! It has made me think that maybe I have needed this time off more than I realized.

Yesterday I went shopping. This was a Friday afternoon! I was at home, showered and dressed after a three mile run in the neighborhood and I found myself in front of the TV at the start of a movie. I watched the first couple of scenes and thought to myself – I don’t want to sit here for two hours. It probably would have been an okay thing to do. It probably would have been a good thing. I mean, I am on vacation and am supposed to be relaxing aren’t I? Isn’t this what people do during their free time? I don’t know what people do but I don’t usually do that and the thought of blowing through two hours that way didn’t seem very relaxing. So I turned it off. Yes, just like that. There’s a switch that works all the time, not just when a show is over. I have been known to use that switch sometimes 30-40 minutes before the end of a movie. The switch works really well. I have friends look at me oddly when I tell them I didn’t see the end because I turned it off. I always thought if I wasn’t getting anything out of watching, it didn’t matter how it ended. I thought it was better to stop and caulk up the losses. So anyway, what was I saying? Do you see how I keep losing my sense of time? Oh yeah, I had only spent about 15 minutes before I turned the TV off yesterday so no big losses to report. Then I went shopping.

After I got back home, I knew I was completely off track. I pulled out the ironing board and proceeded to iron the small amount I had yesterday afternoon. No, you don’t understand. I don’t usually have a lot of laundry to iron but my routine is that I always hang it separately in the closest. I will pull it out and iron late Sunday afternoons. It’s about the time the weekend has wound down and I am getting ready for the coming week. It’s a small enough amount that if I don’t get to it, I can catch up the following Sunday. But this was FRIDAY afternoon. Now what have I done by admitting this? I can only imagine what my friends will think when they find out I have a routine time that I iron.

So when I woke up this morning I knew I had two more days off. I was thrown off big time. What time is it now? This isn’t when I usually post! I didn’t realize I had so many routines! This time off is hard work. But it’s a good kind of hard work. I might want to try it again soon some time. Oh, yeah. I forgot. I already have a trip set for my favorite place by the water August 9th – 12th.

So now I am trying to figure out what exactly taking these days away from work has thrown off. I am not sure if it's thrown my time off or my memory. I wonder what my friends will have to say about that.



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