Sunday, August 9, 2009

Better late...

I am extremely late in posting today! I have managed to make another escape to my place by the water. I am also working at a frantic pace because there is a good chance I won't have an internet connection for very long. It has taken me a while just to get this far but I wanted to make sure I at least made an appearance here today.
Time also got away from me. It has been a very casual, relaxing kind of day and when I realized the time, I couldn't believe how late it really was. So, I guess I've managed the very least I could do for today and will have to be happy with that. I am happy. How could I not be? I am off from work another three days, I am close to the water and (hopefully) the worst I will have to deal with is...well...not getting a good enough internet connection out here.
Just so you know, the picture is one I took this afternoon. Didn't even have much time to take more than that but hopefully tomorrow. There is always tomorrow...


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