Friday, August 14, 2009

Why not

I am not sure why but a thought crossed my mind the other day. It was really more of a question and it was; why do I write if nobody is going to read it?

Good question. Maybe I should ponder it a while to come up with a good answer. Maybe I should just answer it spontaneously now as the reasons come into my head. Maybe.
Oh, well okay, but in my own way of always answering a question with a question I have come up with the following responses:

· Why do I find myself singing when I am alone?
· Why do I cook a fancy meal if no one is coming over?
· Why do I coordinate a casual outfit if I plan on spending the afternoon at home?
· Why do I write if no one will read?

I don’t question why I do those other things, so do I really need to answer the last? Maybe there is a hidden thought or desire that someone might? Maybe I feel I need to be prepared? Maybe I want to stay in practice? Maybe I want to get better at what I'm doing.

Maybe the answer is I do it just for me. Somehow I think I am not supposed to say that out loud. I don’t doubt everyone would agree readily that doing something for yourself might be the best reason of all. But then, I have never been one to really know what others think or agree on. I guess for me, if I am honest, there are certain things I feel better doing then just wishing I had. I don’t want to leave things that are important to wishes. Maybe, I am not sure.

I don’t know why that thought crossed my mind. I don’t know if it should have any more thought than just this tiny bit I have already given it. I do know the writing is something I will need to continue to do for a while even if it is something that is read or not.

Maybe there are some things I just need to do.



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