Saturday, August 29, 2009

Don't stop

I woke up this morning with a scene from my book in my head. That book that I keep inching toward but haven't actually started writing yet. The book I have not written any words for yet. Yeah, that book. I had a lovely scene playing in my head that would fit into that story. The two main characters were there and the setting was just perfect. I was watching a movie in my head of it as it played out. It was one of those unconscious idea thingy's that happen to me when I least expect them. I didn't have any index cards or tiny spiral notebooks on my nightstand to jot it down, but it's still there. I'll mark it down soon. I won't let it go without capturing it.

It's a piece that wouldn't even happen until possibly a hundred or so pages into the book. It was a little surprising that I would have thought it up at that time and maybe even this morning. I have so many other regular things to do today that writing wasn’t going to be one of the higher priorities on my list. I wasn't even thinking about it lately. Well, okay, let me be honest. It is not always far from my thoughts but I didn’t think it would be particularly forefront today.

But there it was. That wonderfully scripted, blocked, comfortable scene playing in my head. What an exciting moment for me. That’s at least two scenes knocking quietly at that door. When the first happened a while back I just pretended I wasn’t home. I thought since it wasn’t something that was going to happen until much later into the storyline that I would just call it up much later. It was too soon to dive into that thought. Now, yet other scene is knocking again this morning and I am beginning to wonder who is actually on the opening side of this door.

I think I am going to have to follow my instincts and write up these scenes that have been patiently waiting. They are not in the right sequence order of the story but my characters seem to be talking to me. I think I need to start listening to them whenever they come by and stop ignoring the knocking.

I so don’t want them to stop!



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