Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Index sort

I am feeling a little rushed this morning. I have that oh gosh hurry feeling when I haven’t had a chance to sort through and have a ready piece to post. I need to go through my index cards. I feel like it has been a while since I wrote any ideas down. It seems there has been a lapse in the amount of ideas I have had lately or I am getting so old and forgetful I can't remember writing anything down. I thought I had written some ideas down and now I have a small stack to go through. Hang on a minute while I take a look at them.

Nope, it is just as I thought. There doesn't seem to be anything there. What a shame. It seems this stack of index cards are just the rejects. I must have used up all the better ideas, written them up and left the ones that didn't have anything. Well, at least now I can put them aside and know I'll have to start another stack. I will pull out some fresh, crisp, unused cards that are just begging for wonderful ideas to be written all over them. I sure hope they know about this arrangement. It looks like I could use some help in the index card idea begging department. I can use a lot of help. I know, I know, you can tell...!

Well, here is one thing just so you know. I did find one index card in this stack of rejects that could be priceless. One card out of the stack that is something I shoved in with all the others instead of putting aside in my other binder with my other notes. I know, one card out of a small stack doesn’t sound like much. But it is quite a bit you see. I found the index card with the names I had finally come up with for my characters in my major fiction I am on the brink of actually starting to write. Maybe that is why I have had a drop in the ideas for this blog. I have been baby-stepping my way to get into place to start writing it. And now I have recovered the names of these new people I will start to introduce in a whole other piece. So thanks for being patient while I went through these cards. I found one that was worth something. Well, it is worth something to me.

Gosh, I sure hope that was the right card. I had another that just said, “Losing battles are hard to fight.” That couldn’t be any kind of premonition, could it? But then, there was also another with the address of a party I’m going to next Saturday night and there is no doubt that is a good thing. Maybe that counter balances the two out.

I need to work on my filing system.



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