Saturday, August 8, 2009

Hand picked words

I thought I had been struggling to get some words down on the page. I say I thought because somehow they have appeared no matter what I might have been thinking. I had gone through my index cards the other day and nothing gave me any kind of inspiration. I thought maybe I was distracted at work since I had been so busy. But I really didn’t think that was it. I even mention how very good I am at leaving my work at work and not having it interfere. It’s a true enough statement for someone who never seems to be away from work.

So it seems since I originally wrote how I was struggling to write, I’ve managed well enough. I have even written up some new index cards. Who knows, they might be totally uninspired but just having written something down is more than I thought I could do. But then it’s almost as if I am waiting to trip myself up. Like I am saying, “Watch that one there now…need to bring her down soon.” Somehow I picture that being said with a cockney accent. Then I guess it would be more like…
“Woutch ‘at one thare now…need ‘ta be bringin’ ‘er down soon.” And of course they would be dressed in something out of Oliver.
But never mind me. Hey – I tried to tell you I never know where my thoughts will take me. I can’t help if it’s a British person in my mind trying to trip me up and rob my ideas. It might not make a bit of sense (of course it doesn’t) but it’s a lot more fun for me. If someone is going to try to bring me down I think I would rather it be someone out of Fagin’s gang then admit it's just my own mind at work. A pick-pocket from the streets of London might be just the kind of inspiration I need about now.
Or not.
But I digress. Did I saying I was struggling with getting words on a page?


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