Thursday, November 15, 2012

Impossible tasks

I got caught up in looking at old stuff I wrote.  No.  I mean really old stuff from long, long, ago in a time far, far away.  You know how old that is!  I keep saying I need to get it organized.  Some of it is only on old creased, yellowed pieces of paper, printed off on an old extinct dot matrix printer (Is that right?).  One of those printers that actually had the perforated circles along both edges that you could tear off and it would look like a regular piece of paper.  Anyway, I told you it was really old stuff.
So another project, I guess.  Organize and flash drive some of this old stuff.  Sure.  Like I keep saying I'll copy pieces (or all) of this blog.  But that might be an almost impossible task at this point with over 1180 posts already.  Dang.  And I remember how excited I was when I was coming up to writing 100 posts and everyone shot me down and said it didn't count until I hit 500.  Well, I guess I've hit that mark and didn't think to stop.  How do I stop?  I'm not sure I know how.


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