Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Company benefits

I've been taking advantage of the offerings at work.  We have ITG university which offers some on-line classes from job development and communication skills to Books 24x7.  The company also offers a wellness website. 
I have already passed the foundation curriculum that everyone in our department has to take before the end of year 2013 through ITG U.  It's an assortment of classes that total 40 hours and yes, I've already taken and passed them all.  I've also taken advantage of a few of the books they offer from Books24x7.  Mostly, I've read some hmmm...what do you call them....self-help? motivational?  They are very short books filled with information I already knew, how's that.  And did I say they were short?  Very.
I was browsing their choices of books again today and found one I thought might be interesting.  It was 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself: Change Your Life Forever by Steve Chandler.  At first I thought it wouldn't be too bad to have 100 ways to motivate myself.  I can always use some motivation.  Sometimes I could use lots of motivation so 100 sounds good.  But then the idea of changing my life forever didn't sound too good.  I'm not sure I really want to change my life forever.  That's a long time, 'ya know?  What if I don't like the way I've changed it?  Will I have to get another book that has 100 ways to change my life back to what it was before?  Or 100 ways to change my life somewhere inbetween where it was and where it is?  That could get complicated and I'm not looking for a book to uncomplicate things after I've managed to read a book that complicated everything.  I also didn't think Mr Chandler's book 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself: Change Your Life Forever would really work out for me.  I noticed it was a Third Edition.  That had me thinking.  What about the 1st and 2nd Editions?  Did they not change lives?  Did they miss the mark?  What happened to everyone that read those editions and only partially changed their lives or changed them for only a temporary amount of time?  That's not exactly forever.  I think I'll pass on that book.  Especially after I've already read Attitude is Everything by Keith Harrell and The Body Language Pocketbook by Max A. Eggert.  Did I say they were short?  And filled with information I already knew?  So I went on to the Wellness website and considered listening to their 15 minute video seminar.  This month the offering is, Time Out: Not Just for Kids.
You will have to excuse me while I go sit in the corner.  But I ain't wearing the pointy hat.  Don't we have a dress code at work?


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