Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Time doesn't wait

It's been about a month since things decided to take a turn and go into power mode.  It was about a month ago we were traveling back from a great few days of vacation and another car decided they wanted to be in our lane at the same time we still occupied the space.  That shifted the world for a moment and the time since then seems to have gone into overdrive.  I realize that this part of the year already has an acceleration factor built in.  Once you hit Halloween the year just slides away.  This last quarter of the year always barrels through time as if it was nothing.  This year, for me, it's been beyond power mode and overdrive and gone into hyper-speed.  Maybe it's just the amount of things going on.
There was no stopping once we got back from vacation last month.  There were obvious things that needed to be taken care of.  Jay needed a new car, we had to settle with insurance, we had a list of things that needed to be done.  I also paid off my own car (which had already been in the plan prior to all this) and credit card bills.  We were hoping to get some re-modeling of the house done since we have a grandchild expected (Dec 20th--Sonny and Selma tell me)!  We needed to clean up and re-fresh this old house.  Horrid and filthy popcorn textured ceilings were to be scraped and all interior walls and moldings to be painted.  We have all but the kitchen and master bedroom for that to be complete.  The staircase railing is to be sanded and re-stained.  It looks like we got a good bid for replacing all the carpeting in the master bedroom, the staircase, and the upstairs landing and bedrooms.  Tile will be replaced in the downstairs living room, bathroom and kitchen.  That's a lot of work.  Then Jay thought the kitchen cabinets needed to be replaced.  They are old and awful.  Yes.  But they weren't on the original plan - but yes, okay.  Another thing on the list.  Then he thought a custom blind in the den.  Get rid of those mortuary drapes (which he originally picked the fabric) and put up a 2" wood blind.  Then a screen for the den in the staircase corner.  I'm sure the list will go on.  It's all good positive things but it hasn't let up.
I had an opportunity to showcase my cookies at a vendor's market that will take place at my place of work tomorrow.  I withdrew.  How would I be able to get that marketing done properly when I haven't had a chance to breath with talking to carpeting and tile vendors, dealing with painters and searching for blinds?  I had intuit, who supports my cookies website, call and ask if I needed help with search engines since my cookie site hits were very low.  They must have been totally confused that a business owner would tell them, "Not now...I need to do that the beginning of next year."  Why would anyone wait?  But I have to. 
I'm living in a work in progress right now.  It will all be for the good and I am already happy with the results so far.  I'm not sure about living in hyper-speed.  I've got Thanksgiving next week and Jay already told Sonny he wanted them to come here.  I'm not sure how I feel about that but to tell you the truth I don't have time to think about it. I don't have time to make decisions, just tell me what I'm supposed to do.
The old china cabinet used to hide the opening beneath the staircase. I emptied it and we gave it away.  The area now has been covered properly in sheet rock and painted.  (The door goes upstairs.  We are replacing both the upstairs bedroom doors.  The living room is still in this furniture disarray with everything in the center of the room. 
The old nasty ceiling texture before to the left and the living room ceiling completed to the right above.
This one small corner on the other side of the living room in the den looks great!  It looks inviting.  Too bad I never seem to just sit.


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