Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Can't yet

This is going to be a heck of a week.  I don't think we could have arranged as much work to be done in the house as quickly and at the same time as it seems to be happening.  Sunday afternoon was filled with checking on carpeting that we plan to completely replace.  That means master bedroom downstairs, staircase, landing and both upstairs bedrooms - or as it is arranged bedroom and my office.  We talked to the expert in the store and he asked how long we planned on living in the house.  Jay charmingly piped up and laughingly said, "until she dies."  Charming, but true.  I was the one that refused to buy a new house when he thought it was a good idea.  I won him over to my thinking of staying in our house by saying we would have ours paid off soon and could afford to have someone else do the repairs and upgrades instead of us doing the work.  He liked that idea.  And now we seemed to be swept up into a full-scale attack of the interior.
We didn't buy carpet there but found another place and it's on order and scheduled to be installed Saturday.  All new carpeting by Saturday.  It took not only Sunday afternoon but after work Monday to get it finalized.  Long days.  Yesterday, Jay closed the shop early so we could proceed to getting tile (for the downstairs living room, bathroom and kitchen).  He also wanted to order kitchen cabinets.  Tall orders.  But I barely arrived home from work, took measurements in the kitchen and headed off again.  I'm not sure how long we were there but - yes - tile is to be delivered Thursday morning and cabinets on Friday afternoon.  That means - what?  I've got painters still here today for the kitchen and master bedroom.  I have to empty the current cabinets so they can be demo'd and taken away to open the area for new tile.  Then new carpet and cabinets go in by two different crews.  I have the staircase stripped bare of old carpet since they will work on re-staining the staircase railing today.  There are pieces of things everywhere.  It's like a whirlwind around here and the winds haven't stopped.
I don't know what I'll come home to tonight after work but I haven't for over a week already.  I've got a feeling it's going to get a little worse before it gets better. 
But when it get's better....well, then...nope.  Not yet.  I can't imagine that yet.  Too much still going on.


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