Friday, November 18, 2011

No calm

I don't know what day it is.  Okay, yes, I know it's Friday and I know I am leaving work at noon.  Those are both very good things in themselves.  I would ordinarily be over the moon for that to be my reality.  Okay, it is my reality, but still.  My dilemna about the situation is that I don't particularly want to go home.  Well, really, I DO want to go home.  I want to be able to go and enjoy my solitary time, greedily and selfishly, all by myself.  I want to be able to put my key into my front door, deactivate the alarm, step into my living area and not have anyone greet me.  That won't be the case and hasn't been for many, many days in a row.  I arrive home with the front door open to displace the fumes from paint and stain.  There is construction dust everywhere, my furniture is in a jumble and people.  There are people in my house blocking my way, making it impossible for me to go upstairs or into the kitchen.  It's hard for me to figure out what I'm supposed to do when they are there and not much I can do when they are gone.
I took the half day off to be able to accept delivery of the kitchen cabinets but I think I am going to steal away first.  They promised to call before they arrived so if I stay in the immediate area I can pack up and meet them when they call.  There is a great place with free wi-fi I can sit for a spell and become invisible.  It might help.  I will still have a few moments to myself and not get caught up in the chaos of what might be going on at my house.  At least for a few moments or longer...until they call.
I'm such a whiner but this hurricane has no eye of calm.  It just keeps blowing hard.


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