Saturday, November 12, 2011


I am sitting looking out my upstairs window and wondering why I am here instead of outdoors.  What am I doing hiding away in this room instead of wandering out where the weather is perfect and the air feels fresh?  I opened the window and it only seems to pull me harder out instead of bringing more of it in.  Do I stay or do I go?
What could a simple stroll cost in the way of time?  Do I have enough of it
before the day says goodnight and folds it's dusky bedspread down?  Am I gambling it away by sitting here watching instead of moving toward it now?  What will it cost?  Do I have the time?  Do I take the gamble?
It's still light enough before the moon takes its shift.  I will lose a chance to win if I don't take a gamble and time is on my side if I decide to stroll.
Simple questions with simple answers.  I can't resist it any longer.
I'll return before the moon comes out.


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