Friday, May 18, 2012

A large quantity

I just got off the phone with the sports store that is located close to what I have called the Runners Haven in the past.  It's been quite a while since I have gone out there and I wasn't sure if it was still a spot for runners to meet and run along the scenic loop on Saturday mornings.  The runners would park around that store and head out for a run for the distance of their choice starting at about 7:00 am.
I have been thinking of going out there again.  I was thinking of tomorrow morning.  But I didn't want to head out there and find out that it was no longer done.  I didn't want to go and be the only one there.
I didn't think that would be the case.  I didn't think it would ever slow down and there would always be a good amount of people that still go.  I believe it will stay a Runners Haven for quite some time.
As for my answer on the phone...well, I was told that "there will be a slew of people out there" tomorrow.  Because that is the way we talk.  It means there will be a lot of people.  A lot of runners.  A whole slew of them.
And that ain't bad.


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