Friday, May 25, 2012

Didn't lie

I guess I've been biding my time until the long weekend.  I guess.  No.  Isn't true.  I've never been able to outright lie.  I may try to lead you to believe something different and not correct you when you guess incorrectly but, that isn't exactly lying.  Is it?  Not exactly, she rationalizes.

It's been hot in the afternoons when I usually go out to run after work.  Hot for running, although great for putting the top down on the 92 degrees.  I left work on Tuesday at 1:00.  I had hopes of taking care of the appoint at 2:00 very quickly to have time to get my scheduled run in and still have a little left-over time.  Well, mistake number one was skipping lunch.  Since I left the office at 1:00 which is my normal lunch time I didn't eat, thinking I would after the appointment.  Well, it was well after 3:00 before I got home and knew I needed to eat.  I knew the heat was peaking (or so I thought) and it would give me time.  It only got warmer and I got lazier.  I ate too much at that point and got a little depressed over the appointment even though it was all taken care of.  Jay and I went to the attorneys to get our simple will signed.  It's supposed to give you piece of mind and I'm glad if it works to allow the boys hassle free ownership once I'm not here but I couldn't help thinking that it shouldn't have to be this way.  It's only common sense that they would get whatever we left but I was over thinking something I had already taken care of.  And I was upset that I couldn't get myself to go out and run a mere 4 miles when I had left work early.
So the next morning I got up and went for a run.  It was early morning, as in 5:26am, and I breezed joyfully though six miles.  I didn't worry about work since I had already figured the time it would approximately take to run, shower, dress, and still get to work within a 30 minute window of my regular start time.  It worked.  I knew it didn't matter if I arrived at my usual 7:00 but 7:30 instead and the extra half hour was all I needed.
That afternoon I came home and fixed dinner and never changed out of my work clothes by the time Jay got home.  He asked me if I had gone for a run.  I said yes.  He looked at me in my work clothes knowing I run after work and he replied with a non-believing smirk and said, Sure you did.  I didn't disagree.
Later that evening he came back and asked if I ran again.  I said, yes.  He shook his head.  He told me I didn't have to feel bad about not running.  It was fine to not go out.  I didn't say a word.
I went out again the next morning and blew through another six miles at 5:30am.  There is nothing like the shades of midnight and cobalt blue the skies can blend together at that hour and the silent quiet awakening that happens all around you.  It's a glorious way to start the day if you don't allow yourself to fret about what comes next.
So Jay has no idea I've been out running early these past two mornings.  I can only imagine he would have fits at me.  I didn't lie.  I told him I had run.  If he hadn't been so pre-disposed to what he thought was the truth he might have believed me.  OK, maybe I could have offered more information.

But I've bided my time and the long weekend is almost here.  I guess I've made that partially true.  So I never actually lied.  I just didn't offer any further information (she rationlizes).


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