Monday, May 14, 2012

Blown away x2

To the left is a screen shot of a portion of my food log for the past few days that comes from the site that I have have been using.  I've been meticulously logging every bit of food I've eaten for the past ten weeks to get a nutritional perspective on how I've been doing and what I might need to improve upon.  I've also logged in my activities, like my runs and since every website has some type of social media these days you can make a comment about how your day has gone when you submit you end-of-day report (It's only once a day).  You can decide to keep it private or publish it and it will stream in real time along with everyone else's end of day reports that have been submitted at that time.  It really is very private since others can only view that one day if you publish it and they can't go back and see any other past reports on you.  So I have always published  to all to see.  Why not?  It keeps me honest and the reports accurate.
You can see from Day 2 and Day 3 of this week I don't say too much.  I don't even mention much about food.  After 10 weeks of comments it can get a little thin.  But Saturday (Day 4) after my 10K I wrote up in a few words...well, you know, that I ended up taking home 1st place in my age group.  But the comment I made wasn't what surprised me.  It was the amount of comments and 'likes' I received from the community of strangers that took the time to offer congratulations and to let me know not to make so little of it.  Here is a sample:
"That's AWESOME! Congrats!!! What an achievement! I'm training for a 5k and reading this makes my day!"
"Phenomenal! You have represented all of us 56 year olds well!!"
"You go, girl! Congratulations! And I truly doubt you were the only 55 - 59 in the race."                                                            
  Ummm, it kind of went on like that.  It kind of made my head spin a bit and I had to sit back from the laptop for a few minutes to take it in.  And then I had to include all of the 52 'likes' I received which were not from the same strangers that made comments.  Whoa.  And then I had to think of the personal congratulations I got at the race itself.  Since I went alone I was walking back to my car and the man that won first in the 35-40 age group caught up to me and and gave me his congratulations.  "Thanks."  He asked how long I had been running and we went back and forth until he came to the group he was with.  I went on to my car but turned back when one of the girls in the group yelled out to me..."Hey, I like your shoes!"  They were the new ones I picked up at the sports store when I got my race packet.  "Thanks!"
Yes.  Thanks, thanks. 


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