Saturday, December 31, 2011

What better day

It is the last day of the last month for this year.  2011.  Hello, Goodbye.  Ending, beginning.  What have I done and what will I do?  How much of the past do I need to remember to make the future better, brighter, more fun?  Did I change things from this past year from the year before in a positive way?  Am I just going day to day or do I have some kind of plan to progress?
Alright, already.  Enough questions.  How about a few answers.

What I have done.
I ran.  I refused to train but started the first quarter of the year with a 2nd and 3rd place medal in my age group.  I refused to train but ran as many miles as the year before that I did train.  I didn't officially run a half marathon like the previous year but I went out that same weekend and ran that distance.  I had run that exact same distance the previous weekend also.
I wrote.  I put something down every day for the entire year.  I put things down when I had strong ideas and I put things down when I didn't have a clue what I was saying.  I turned gazing out my window thinking it might be a painting that I saw in my head and described it on paper.  I wrote short fiction scenarios about a Train Station and an old Photo that were really good.  I wrote two more of my Rules of Writing episodes which makes me happy whether anyone else can appreciate them or not.
I could have been killed in an auto accident in October after a few of the best days I have ever spent at my own personal paradise in a very long time.  It shouldn't have been the case but we walked away without a scratch. 
I became a grandmother.

What I will do.
I'll keep running.  They say don't go on a diet but make it a part of your lifestyle.  It's the way running is for me.  It's just part of my lifestyle. 
I'll keep writing.  I don't know how to stop now.  I don't know how to skip a day even if I only write  something short and quick and nobody ever sees it.
I'll have to figure out how to get back to my paradise without being afraid of getting there or back.
I'll learn how to be a really great grandmother and mother and friend and...

I'm lucky that my birthday falls on the last day of the year.  It's the same time I get to ponder where I've been, where I am, and what I want and need to do.  It's the classic time for this type of thinking.  I have plans and I will constantly try to find ways to make them work better, brighter and more fun.  I'm lucky because: What better time for me to do all this than on the day I become older and wiser?

I am wishing everyone a Happy New Year!  Can you believe it?  2012.  2012!


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