Sunday, December 18, 2011

What I do

Why do I forget that if I do what I do without the worry and added expectations I put upon myself that it comes back to me in joyous multitudes?  I have to think about that at this moment because...oh yeah, sure it's the season...but no.  I would be thinking of these things even if it was any other time.  These are things that just seemed to have happened right now and they are making me think about it.
I had an extremely good day yesterday.  How could I not feel good about delivering an order of cookies to strangers and possibly making a memorable occasion for them?  I felt privileged to have been a part of it and it was my simple cookies that made the difference.  They are only cookies but I do them because I just love to.  When I wrote the story up yesterday (cookie romance) I got a comment on the piece, too.  Added bonus.  I already felt great about the cookies and then I got a compliment on the piece.  I couldn't have planned it and I wasn't expecting it. 
Then later I got a text from Selma, saying she had read the post and had made a comment.  Oh...another comment about the cookies.  It wasn't until this morning that I went in to my blog and saw that she wasn't referring to the cookies.  She had gone back and read an older post called (gift) -(that link will take you there).  It was about the crocheted baby blanket I made for her.  She had put a comment on that post not the other.  I explained in that post that the needlework is something that I love to do.  The fact that it is not thought out or worried about might have been the key to why it turned out the way it did. Because I did it because I love doing it and get passionate about it. Like the cookies and cooking.  Like running 13 miles just because.  Like doing it because I want to and love to not because it is something I am stressing and worrying over or trying to fulfill some crazy expectation I've put upon myself.  Then I get surprised by joyous multitudes of wonderfully great feelings I wasn't expecting because I was just doing something I truly wanted to do.
'Tis the season.  All year.  At any time.
Why do I forget that?
I don't have a lot on my agenda today (or do I)?  I might just do a few things because it's what I want to do.  And oh, yes...  I have a gift to deliver today.  Now that Selma has seen it...I'm going to give her the baby blanket.


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