Sunday, December 4, 2011


I am taking a pause from the renovation activities that have permeated my atmosphere for what seems like an incredibly substantial amount of time.  It hasn't really been as long as it seems with the amount of work that has been going on considering the amount of disruption I have endured....
I said I was taking a pause so I won't get started on that except to say that yesterday was very long with workers here from 9:00am until a little after 7:00pm.  They will be back on Monday...
That being said (or not said) I started and have now finished a small project that made me feel very good and tranquil while this was all going on.  I pulled out my crochet hooks, got some yarn and patterned a very nice bit of warmth.  This needlework is something that comes second nature to me.  It hasn't been something I have done recently and by recently I mean in at least the past few years.  It still is that comfortable something that I can pick up again at any given time and remember exactly how it's done.  It's sort of like that saying about riding a bike.  I think it's like that.  I'm trying to remember but I couldn't sleep and woke up at 4:30 this morning so you'll have to give me a break on that one and I'm not in the mood to look it up right now.
The simple action of pulling yarn through my fingers, onto a hook, weaving it in and out, over and across is very settling.  I can sit still and while away time that I might normally be up and about.  I've needed that sit still and settled time lately.  This small project gave me that opportunity and eased my guilt of sitting still since I was still working.  Make sense?  In my little world of made-up rules I'm not allowed to sit still if there are things to do, right?  (Say yes here)  This follows my rules.  I'm tired so I'm sitting but I'm still doing something.  It helps that while working on it I remembered how much I enjoy it.  I've finished it now and trying to think of another I could start.  To work with those hooks and patterns and yarn.  To feel it thread through my fingers on one hand and appear in a different form in the other.
 This is what I ended up with or more accurately what Selma will end up with for the new baby boy that is scheduled to arrive on Dec 20th.  If she sees this before I give it to her...well, it's hers anyway.
A gift for her but was also a gift for me.


Anonymous said...

That is beautiful! I just saw this! My eyes are full of tears! That is the best present anybody could give me!

Chetta said...

Well, now that you've seen it, I guess I'll go ahead and give it to you now. I loved doing it for you! love 'ya!

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