Friday, September 30, 2011

Feelin' it Friday

Well, here it is folks!  The end of the week, the end of the month and I was bound and determined I would clear another 100 miles like I did last month.  Yes, in August I was able to get 100.7 miles clocked in 24 workouts.  I believe, if I can trust my basic math, that averages to 4.2 miles per run.  I was very happy to be able to get that done.
I was going along fairly well.  This month started out fast and I was furious with my miles.  Then I hit my speedbump.  I was off a few days where work consumed me and my time and left me not thinking about going out to run.  I got in a mere two workouts one week and it was only because I had done them early on.  That left me facing a deficit of 25 miles this last week if I wanted to reach another 100 miles by the end of the month, well, by today!  I went into this past Monday knowing I had to do 5 miles for 5 days.  Whew!  What?  But I didn't react that way.  I kept it matter of fact.  I kept it okay, do this one day at a time.  Day I, do I, I don't...I don't think...
By day three I took another look at where I was.  I was tired.  I only had two days left but I was slipping.  But I realized I was at 93.39 miles on Wednesday after my run.  So I broke it down again.  Two days,  7.31 miles left if I want to match the 100.7 from last month - divide by two...3.66 miles per day.  Oh.  not too bad...but, of course, I'm telling myself I could do more than 3 miles, can't I? Then the other part of me is saying, hey!  you've already got 25+ miles clocked for the week since you aren't even counting that you ran 8 miles on Sunday that wasn't part of this equation - give it a rest. 
So, this is where I am at this morning...the last day of the week, the last day of the month.  I am sitting at 99.1 miles.  I have had 17 workouts which averages to 5.8 miles per run.  That is more than 1.5 miles higher than my average run last month.  I have decided I will run a quick three miles during my lunch today that will put me over the 100 mile marker for the second month in a row and enjoy the Friday afternoon as I choose. 
Not such a bad way to end out the week, the month.  Somehow, I'm not feeling quite so tired any more!  Fridays seem to do that for me.  Not sure why, do you?


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