Saturday, September 24, 2011

It's done

This is at least the third time I have tried to complete this post.  I started it early this morning, wrote a short time, saved it as a draft and have opened it again a minimum of 3-4 times to continue, finish and publish.  It was to no avail.  There seems to be one thing or another that keeps popping up for me to do that takes me away from this particular task at hand.  That task would be writing and actually finishing this post! 
So now that I have gotten that out of my system...and I haven't been interruped yet again...what was I talking about to begin with?  Oh, yes...this is what I had saved.

I cleared my home desk of sticky notes and index cards (yes, again). I went through and got rid of all the things I had written down when I wanted to remember something but was rushing out the door. I took the time to read each one and sort through the pile. I found I had already written up some of the ideas I had scribbled on the notes. I found I had already completed items that were written up as a checklist.  Then I found some notes that were just...just...well, what were they?   I'm not exactly sure how to classify them. Like this one. I wrote down..."talk longer, edit later." Or, "Write as if you are going for a run. Enjoy the process." Or how about, "If I want to re-write as I go back to re-read, IT'S OKAY."
I don't know what to call those. I think I was giving myself reminders on my writing but I'm not exactly sure what to call those. The last bit was more of my stubborn, rebellious nature since everyone always tells me just to write and not edit as I go.  It's a little contradictory for me to grant myself permission by saying, It's okay, when I had already reminded myself to talk (write) longer, edit later.  I've gotten much better at the trying to edit every time I re-read my longer pieces of my writing.  I've gotten better at editing shorter pieces too.  So I don't think I need the reminders or the - well, the...whatever they are.  Sticky notes and index cards.  They're gone now.  I have managed to clear the desk (yes, again).  It's always amusing to re-read them after I've forgotten what I wrote on them.  It can really make me wonder what I was thinking when I wrote them, while dashing out the door.

How appropriate I would have written this on a day when I have been dashing in and out of this particular draft.  That I have been using my sticky notes and index cards when I knew I wouldn't have time to type them up and finish them.  Sort of like this post - except instead of an index card I actually saved the draft.  The curious part is that sure enough...when I came back now to re-read it...I couldn't remember what I was thinking when I wrote it. 
But at least now I'm calling it finished!  Can you tell I have something (else) now that is pressing for my time?


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