Thursday, September 29, 2011

Keeping up

The hardest thing I've had to do this week is keep up with myself.  Guess, what?  The week isn't over yet.  I have two days left including today and tomorrow, Thursday and Friday.  Those two days will not only count as the end of the week but also the end of the month.  I almost can't wait.  Yes.  For the end of the week.  To know I've pushed hard this week and will be able to get through it and have my small celebratory time afterward.  Unless I am too exhausted.  From the week.  To feel like celebrating and just need the time to re-coop.  Uh-Uh. 
It sure doesn't make any sense to work hard toward an end if there is no joy somewhere along the way or at least in the near future.  I might go on about this week but no one is making the rules for me except myself.  And truthfully, even if I keep my own rules for the next few days I will still be ahead of my own game.  I've put things into place early to make sure if I felt any wavering at this point I would have the opportunity to not drive so hard here at the end of it.  And I'm not ready to stop.  I'm almost there. 


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