Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sunday. I know

By this morning I knew I needed to get back into some type of normal routine again.  I have been off of work since last Thursday and at that time I proceeded to dive-in head first into a project.  I took a flying leap and didn't stop.  I pretty much spent every hour without many breaks working long days.  I actually started Wednesday evening by taking a two hour on-line course.  I didn't have to get this certification but I wanted to and did it.  Thursday morning I proceeded to research and purchase a domain name and started working on building a site with my own information.  Friday I continued with more work, more going at it, more paperwork, more creative processes.  Saturday I did the same.  It's been going on like this for three days straight!  This morning I knew I needed to slow down, take a breath and let it settle for a while.  I only decided that after I had spent another hour finishing up some last minute details.
Then I knew for sure I needed to pause.  I wanted to run.
It was an hour later than I would normally have gone out but it didn't matter.  I have lost my sense of time somewhere in the past few day anyway.  I went out slow and easy.  It took a while for my yawning muscles to remember what they were doing besides sitting bent under a desk but they caught on soon enough.  The run gave me time to think, time to pause, time to put things in order.  It was time to pull away from the project of the last few days and get some balance again.  So I have promised myself I won't think about the project today.  I will leave it for the moment, knowing I have others things to do.  It wasn't such a bad thing to get all that work done and the reason it's hard for me to put it aside right now is because I would rather keep working on it.  But it also reminded me it isn't the only thing I would like to be working on and I won't have extra, all day time to do those things.  So I have today.  Sunday.  I will take today to start the week with a day off.  I will work all these things I want to do in their proper times whether it's tomorrow or the next.  Because they are exciting and good and I want to do them.  But today, well, today I'm not sure what I will do.  What I do know, is that I will enjoy it.


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