Tuesday, September 13, 2011

New law

I found out a new law was passed recently.  It is a Cottage Food Law and it allows people to actually use their home kitchen for direct sales of certain baked goods, like cookies.  You don't need to go out and find a commercial kitchen.  You don't need the licensing and expenses.  There are certain provisions that need to be followed but how could this timing be any better?  I am still going over the short law and I've enlisted help in going over it to make sure there is a general consensus on the items that will be necessary to stay within it's parameters, but this is incredible!  With the work that Dante and I have done to actually start this small cookie business going, this new legal way of operation is incredible and opens doors I didn't know how to go through before.
I am baking again either Thursday or Friday.  More cookies are needed for more pictures that will go to finish our labels and menus and price lists.  There are some specifics that need to be included now with the new law.  Not a problem!  We were still working out the few details on those items anyway.  I will also have some sample cookies ready to put out with order forms by this weekend.  Now this isn't anything on any grand scale.  This is modest, small and direct.  The law provides there can be a website but orders cannot be taken on the site itself.  No shopping cart.  So I am having Dante and Jay comb through this law to see what and how this can operate.  I'm excited.  I've got things to do and lot's to work on.  Timing is everything and this time it was perfect.  Not always, but this time, yes, about perfect. 
I'm going to take it as a good sign.


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