Monday, September 12, 2011

Chasing the moon

This Monday morning I was driving into work right before 7:00am. I had the top down on my convertible and the cool 70 degree breeze was whipping around me as I went. I had almost arrived when I noticed the moon was out. It was huge and bright. It was darting and hiding behind trees as I passed. I wanted to see it again but it continued to dodge out of sight. I had no choice but to drive on and pull into the parking garage at work. I went up to my desk and figured I had missed the opportunity.
As I waited for my laptop to boot up I thought why should I let the moment pass? I could grab my camera and walk down to the turn off to try another chance of seeing that big, inviting moon. It was only a short walk away and there were only a handful of people already there at work. It didn't take me long to grab my building access badge, my camera, and head out.
I walked to the end of the drive but I couldn't see the moon. That area was lower and the trees obstructed all views. I decided to walk down the perimeter road to try to find an opening in the trees where I might spy that illusive moon. I really wanted to find it. I didn't realize how far I had walked until I came up to the turn off for another building entrance. I reluctantly made my way back toward the building and had a thought I might see the moon if I took the flight of stairs up to the outside balcony at that entrance. I made it up the stairs and was searching the line of trees. It was a great view but the moon was no where to be found. A security guard came out to the balcony at that moment and casually asked if I was out for a morning walk. I tried to explain about the moon but he seemed a little skeptical. I think he was relieved when he realized I had an access badge and I wasn't letting any one else into the building. I wonder if he spotted me walking or if it was really just a coincidence that he appeared when he did. I left him on the balcony, went back into the building, and made my way back to my desk.
I didn't see the moon again. It would have been the same outcome if I had stayed at my desk and didn't make the attempt. But it seemed to make a difference in my regular, routine Monday morning. It was different and slightly thrilling. It was a little crazy and utterly spontaneous. It was a little hard to explain but it made a difference to me in doing it. Even when I was questioned and even if it was a little crazy. I think I just needed a break from a regular, routine, ordinary Monday morning. The moon came out just long enough to make me want to chase it. It had no intention of being caught, but just wanted to show me how easy it can be to change things up.


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