Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Health check

I missed a run yesterday due to an appointment.  It has come around to that time of year where I have every annual appointment you can possibly think of.  I am sure this is something that only the older, more aged people, like myself, could possibly understand.  I know I certainly didn't have a multitude of various doctors I had to see every year when I was younger.  Now it seems there is a long, laundry list of them.  No wonder older people are always talking about their ailments.  It occupies so much of their time once a year that, for some, it must just carry over into the rest of the year.  Or maybe they have spread out their exams over the year and don't try to get them all done at once like me so they are constantly talking about it.
So in true old age form I'll let you know I have already had my dental exam, along with my cleanings.  He wants me to come back and have two wisdom teeth filled.  Yes, for some reason the very young dentist was amazed that I had all my teeth.  I guess most people my age don't.  And yes, every dentists wants to hold a conversation while they are inside your mouth and he kept suggesting I read The Hunger Games.  He had just started one and couldn't put it down!  I refrained from telling him it was a teen book when I realized how close he was in age to be interested in it.  Quite an age difference from me, anyway.  He must have been much closer to his teens which would explain his excitement over the book. 
I had a test done yesterday that will go the doctor I will see next week.  I got a notice in the mail for another test that I won't go to get.  They told me I didn't have to go for five years and it's been only three.  I still have to make an appointment for those fillings and it's been three years since I saw my eye doctor.  The blood bank called and would like me to donate.
And this is all for my health!  I would just rather go out and run.


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