Saturday, August 13, 2011

Almost full 21 day habit gambit

This is my update on my 21 day habit gambit I decided to start at the end of July.  You know, I decided to work out for 21 consecutive days for a minimum of 30 minutes each day? Well, I have now completed 17 days and have only 4 to go.  I wouldn't have been saying only a few days ago.  In fact, I was very, no, I was extremely close to calling it all off.  I was very close.  I was at the point that my muscles were sore and I was starting to consider the fact that I might be doing a little over training.  My upper thighs were definitely sore.  I had a pinched feeling at the top upper back of my right leg.  I went to the gym anyway and decided I would get my 30 minute run done by taking the pace down.  I was still feeling it the next day and the day after even as I slowed down the work-outs.  I was so ready to stop completely the following day that I decided I was just going to get my 30 minutes done quickly and I amp'd up the pace and just got it over with.  Guess what happened next.  I wasn't so sore the next day.  I was trying to explain this phenomenon to Jay over the phone on Friday.  I was trying to figure out why the slowing down didn't seem to help while the picking up the pace worked fine.  I wasn't sure if it had anything to do with my stride on the treadmill and if that had anything to do with it .  He said, "Do you know what I think?" 
Here it was.  He was going to help me out by telling me his theory on the slow-faster pace dilemma.  I quickly answered in anticipation, "What?"  I truly wanted to know.  Then he went on.
"I think you are insane.  I think you are a lunatic."
I had to pause and grin into the phone.  He wasn't being nasty or mean.  He was just stating the facts as we both knew them to be true.  I was over thinking and over analyzing again.  He went on to say how I had a way of digging deep into my brain to find things to do to myself and then not just do them but to start pushing and competing with myself.  He said I make up my own rules and then don't simply follow them like anyone else would but turn it into some sort of training competition with no one else except myself and then try to make it as hard as possible.  I listened carefully and knew it was true.  I do all those things.  I don't mean to but maybe...
So, the honest truth, and I will stick with the facts.  I have completed 17 days of a 21 day habit pursuit.  I have worked out a minimum of at least 30 minutes on consecutive days and have 4 more days left to complete.  I have ran a total of 61.20 miles in 17 days which is an average of 3.6 miles per day.  I haven't come home and snacked but have kept my diet straight and have felt better even with the tired days and the don't think I can make it today days thrown in.  I'm still at it.  I'm still getting it done.  It feels good.  And somewhere in the middle of all this my nike+ sensor racked up this number.     
It doesn't have anything to do with the 21 day habit gambit except that it happen to fall during this time frame.  Not a bad motivational tool, if I say so myself.

And with all that being said, I really don't mind being a honestly insane lunatic.  I wouldn't know how to be anything else.


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