Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Memory loss

The heat hasn't let up.  We are still experiencing our 100+ degree days.  We had rumours about some possible rain that I don't think anybody paid attention to.  It didn't happen and no one said a word since they weren't expecting it anyway.  It would have been nice.  I was hoping it might but never put any stock into the fact that it would.  Sounds cynical but that is just the way it is.  Hot.  But then it is the middle of August, remember?
And I hear school starts next week.  I should have remembered that.  I couldn't figure out the really congested traffic on Saturday but it makes sense now.  Everyone was out and shopping for back-to-school.  You think I would have noticed that in the ads everywhere.  I hadn't even given it a thought since it had nothing to do with me, I guess.  I had total blinders on about it and then couldn't figure out what had brought out the traffic when I decided to go out into it this past Saturday.
Maybe those are two things I should flag for myself next year.  I need to make a note that school starts somewhere in mid-August and it will still be hot with no rain.
You would think as many times I have already lived through this time of year I wouldn't have a problem remembering those two things.  Maybe it's just the heat.  Right.


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