Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Safe, not always sound

It was 5:05 pm on a weekday in rush hour traffic. I wasn’t where I would normally be on that day and I admit to being lucky that I don’t have to deal with rush hour on a day to day basis. But still, it doesn’t seem to matter how many times I leave this particular building, as infrequently as it is, I always get turned around and can’t seem to find my way. It’s a busy section of town and I always find myself lost in familiar territory.
On this particular day it was also pouring down, all out, cloud dumping rain. Sure enough, I pull out of the parking garage of the tower building I was in and make the turns I think are the correct way to get me home or at least on my way. I recognize the street names but I don’t travel them enough to recognize any landmarks. Then I get that churning feeling when I realize it really isn’t the right way, but it’s storming crazy. It is a well known fact that when it rains that hard here, the streets flood very quickly. I have a very small sports car that is low to the ground. I know I am going the wrong way but the rain is blurring the windshield even with the wipers going full blast. It is so blurred that I cannot read the cross-streets name until I realize I am close enough to not be able to get into the correct lane to turn.
So…it’s 5:05 rush hour traffic, it’s pouring down rain, my car isn’t made for deep sea fishing and I’m not going the right way and know it. Fudge.
I could drag this out for you and make you experience the whole awful mess. You are going to get very lucky here since I don’t particularly want to experience it all over again. I am not particularly proud of the fact that I got so turned around. I am also not proud of the fact that it took me an hour and 15 minutes to get home when it should have been maybe 20 minutes tops. I will admit to how I managed to go down the right streets but in the wrong direction. I will say how I spent time in traffic knowing I needed to turn around but couldn’t. I will say I almost used my car phone to call Jay and say… “Where am I and how do I get out of here!” …like he is my personal navigation system. But that part I didn’t do. I will say I finally made it home safe and sound albeit later than I would have hoped.
Let’s just say I arrived home safe and as far as sound…well, I arrived as sound as I was before I left.


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