Thursday, October 1, 2009

Creep training

I am creeping back into some type of running routine. What a silly joke that statement seems to be. Run a few times and I get to say it’s a routine. Wait, maybe it is more accurate than I am making it since I used the word creeping. Creeping – slowly developing or advancing gradually over a period of time.

It doesn’t specify an exact period of time. It says advancing gradually over this non-specific time frame. Maybe there is something to this creeping concept as a training option. Okay, I concede. Maybe I have been creeping back to running.

So I’ve been creeping back. I ran my neighborhood routes this past weekend (both days – yes), then I decided I would try to get a scant few miles in at lunch at the gym at work. That worked out both Monday and Tuesday. I was able to put in about 2 miles each of those days. I can’t seem to get more miles in since I run at a snails pace, sort of the same rate as my hair growth. I have only so much allotted time at lunch and I need to change, run, shower, and change. Then it’s cool down back at my desk, red-faced. It takes a while for that to go away even with the cold shower after the run. But I had managed to get those short runs in.

Then I am not sure what happened. I don’t know if I was subliminally trying to sabotage myself or if I just…or I don't know what?! I always pack my gym bag when I get home in the evening. I take out the sweaty nasties and replace with fresh gym clothes – what I will wear the next day items. I do it all the time without thinking. I think the not thinking was the catch…or it was self-sabotage, I am still trying to decide which. So yesterday I was about to go to the gym, grabbed my bag and I think…did I put socks in my bag? I knew I didn’t.

I don’t why the knowledge of the lack of socks came to me so late but it did and I knew I didn’t have them. (I also checked the bag – frantically). Shoot! No socks! So I knew I wasn’t going to run without socks. So I skipped the lunch run. I sat outside and pulled out the current book I’m reading instead (yes – with the new reading glasses).

I’ll try again and yes I made sure I packed my socks.

Really, I did. But with this new creeping method of training, I just might want to finish that book at lunch instead.



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