Sunday, October 18, 2009

Language lesson

Sunday is usually the only day Jay and I have off together. We are both probably a little more thankful for that than we should be but that’s what happens after almost 30 years. We know we are on opposite ends of the personality charts. (Are there personality charts? Maybe I should do some research. No - I don’t want to get started on that.)
Jay is very much with the way of thinking that it’s a day off, relax and do as much of nothing possible. I am very much…it’s a day off; I have time to go here, do that, and fit this in, think about that. Our two ways of thinking have a tendency to clash if I find a need to merge a let’s do this on a Sunday off.
So I’ve been coming up with small projects around the house that need to get done. Jay is not a handyman. He has all kinds of tools and stuff but I’m not sure he knows the best way to use them. Or maybe he does and just doesn’t like to use them on a day off or any day if he doesn’t have to. But he has been agreeing to do these small projects and things have been shaping up nicely around the house.
What I have noticed is when things get bogged down or the whatcha doesn’t quite want to match up with the hoozy that should fit into the metal thingster he starts cussing in Spanish. (Not at me, this time, but at whatever isn’t going well.) He keeps it very quiet and to the point. I can always tell when he starts muttering dirty things in a foreign language that something isn’t working. I try to step in at that point to help solve what is going wrong. I have found that if I don’t step in and try to help, the small project will end abruptly and it will stay undone for long periods of time. There is something about me standing there absorbing the meaning of all the things he is saying to these inanimate objects that helps him figure out the correct way to proceed. I am not sure why but it seems to work and to tell you the truth, I don’t mind.
I am only concerned that it gets done. The language lesson is only an additional benefit. Well, to tell the truth, I learned most of those dirty words a long time ago.
Doesn’t everyone learn those first?


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