Monday, October 12, 2009

Heating system required

It is getting to be that time of year again. As many times as I have gone through it, you would think I would have developed a better attitude or at least some kind of tolerance for it. It is not like this doesn't happen every year at this time. It is not like it is unexpected in any way. And yet, I find I am never ready or wanting it to happen. I guess I sub conscientiously wish I could will it away and keep the part I like all year around. I am talking about the weather.
Yes, something as simple and uncomplicated as that can have me all tied up and perturbed. And yes, it really does get to me. It’s fall. To me it might as well be the dead of winter. I think there is good reason they call it that. You might as well be dead if that is the environment you have to live through each day for months on end. Am I supposed to add…in my opinion…or is that a given since this is my blog? People do get so sensitive about the weather - Well, obviously – look at me!
My trouble seems to be that when everyone is ranting away about the upper temperatures we manage to reach I am sitting outside in the sun or riding with the top down on the car. They shake their head, they can’t believe it, I’m abnormal.
They don’t understand it any better when I am freezing in 58 degree weather. We have a high of 65 and I’m stressing. Mainly this comes from the fact that I know it only gets worse for me from here. The temperatures might come up a bit, but it will continue a downward turn until I will be forced to seek refuge in the nearest cave with a honey pot and hope to hibernate my way through the season.
I know. Why don’t I move to warmer climes and be still? Sure and why doesn’t everyone else move to colder when they are making it known how uncomfortable they are when it’s warm? It’s the weather. You talk about it but you can’t change it.
So I am getting a good heater for that cave I’ll be moving into. A power outlet would be a good idea. Oh, and internet would be nice. Just give me a pen and lots of paper…and maybe a book…or a couple…coffee…

Could someone please turn the heat back up?


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