Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Car wreck

I guess I am ready now to get this out so I can move beyond and away from it.
Yesterday had to be the earliest we have ever left to return home from my personal paradise to date.  We didn't consider it a bad thing.  We knew we would be leaving and by setting out early we would have more time in the afternoon at home to relax and unwind.  To unlax as we like to call it.  Moods were still as light and buoyant as they had been the day before.  The sky was perfectly clear, the tank on Jay's SUV was full, and we were well into the halfway mark to getting home.  It wouldn't be more than another hour and a half to reach it and the first half of the trip back had already gone so well.  We had Jay's iPod connected to his car stereo and we couldn't have asked for a better selection of songs it shuffled through.  We talked parts of the way along and were comfortably silent at others.  I was drifting off with my own thoughts to a piece of fiction.  I was thinking how better to arrange a scene in my head, contemplating one character saying this and then substituting that idea for another.  The music was playing, the sky was bright, and I was shifting characters here and there in my mind.  I didn't expect what I saw next.
I was in the front passenger seat and Jay was driving.  We were in the right lane of the interstate heading north.  All of a sudden another car was unexpectedly pushing into our lane at a high speed from the left.  I saw and felt the impact of this other car smashing into the hood of our front drivers side as we both kept moving.  Things were changing.  We were hit and in an accident.  The other car was smashing us off the interstate and was flashing ahead of us to the right.  I didn't know if any other cars were involved behind us.  I saw Jay steering hard to keep control of our car.  I could see him straining to hold it steady as we left the interstate and were now in the grassy area.  It must have been when the other car finally flew past in front of us that the back of our car fish-tailed and spun around 180 degrees in the other direction, but we were still moving.  That was when I felt the car tilt downward.  That was when I saw the car start to go over toward the ground on the drivers side.  I couldn't stop it.  I couldn't do anything except think, No!  Jay would be crushed, NO!  But there was nothing I could do.  And then we hit and rolled over, and we were upside down and kept moving until the car finally landed upright with a jarring stop.  I looked over at Jay and frantically asked, "Are you alright!?!!"  He was staring at me asking the same question.  I think we both paused a moment and did a mental inventory check on ourselves.  Yes.  "Yes".  We didn't believe for that one moment we were both fine but we were.  I only had a smudge of blood on my palm from pressing down on broken glass.  The action stopped for that one moment then quickly started up again. I realized the glass was everywhere.  I turned in my seat and Jay wasn't in the car anymore.  I hit the OnStar button and the operator came on the line.  "We've been in an accident.  No, we are not hurt, but I don't know about the other driver.  Do you know where we are?"  The response was yes, they were sending help and would stay on the line.  The operator wanted me to let him know when they arrived.  It seemed as quickly as I turned my head I saw two uniformed men passing me in the now still SUV and I saw the letters POLICE on their backs.  I told the operator the Police had arrived and hung up.  And now it seemed people were everywhere.  Our SUV had stopped in the grassy area between the interstate and the frontage road.  The other car was in another grassy area past the frontage road.  I couldn't see it clearly when I realized my glasses were gone.  I only had one shoe.  My purse was in the front with me, but all the contents were scattered in the back. The container of half and half was on the front floor by my empty purse.  I looked at it puzzled thinking what was it doing there?  It should be in the ice chest in the back hatch space.  Some of the people were looking for my glasses.  How did they know to look?  People that had seen the accident had stopped and were saying how the other car must have been doing 100 and weaving.  They knew something would happen.  She had two dogs in the car.  I saw animal control take them away.  I never saw her - the other driver.  There were too many people around, too much confusion.  Then I was outside the car, looking around.  Our items were strewn all over the grassy area.  I could see tire tracks of both cars coming off the interstate.  The rain from the previous two days had made the ground soft and it was as if someone had drawn our courses on the ground.  I could see the pair of tracks from both cars coming off the road and into the grassy area, both veering right but one moving along and away leading up to where the other car had stopped.  I saw our tracks coming down, sliding around, then a large rectangular patch of mud surrounded by grass where we must have impacted, overturned, rolled, uprighted, then more sliding tracks even more than a few feet away where our car stood broken.  Doors now all flung open, grass attached to roof areas and people churning everywhere.  The police took our licenses, the paramedics took our blood pressures, the tow truck driver gave me his card, we were offered a ride to the small town police station.  Jay was already back on the line with OnStar.  They had conferenced him in to two different car rentals and one finally agreed to drive the 65 miles to pick us up.  After the State Trooper took our information. we could only take our luggage to fit and stow into the local police car.  Everything else was left. 
The accident must have happened at approximately 10:45 am.  We sat in the lobby of the tiny police station until after three in the afternoon when the car rental company finally picked us up.  They drove us the 65 miles closer to home where we rented a car to get us the remaining 35 miles.  The only car available was another SUV.  I didn't want to get back into the front passenger seat, but I did. 
We made it home by 5:15. We wasted no time as I got into my own tiny car, followed Jay to the local car rental office and turned the rented car back in.
We were now home but only one car sat in the driveway.  Neither one of us was hurt when we could have been badly.  Even early today, the day after, I was still shaken but it's time to put it aside and behind.  I didn't notice the large bruise I had on the outer, upper portion of my right arm.  I don't remember how that happened but I kidded with Jay by saying that maybe I had been hit with the half and half that had made it's way to the front floor of the car.  He laughed back at me.  "Yeah, (har-har) you were creamed."


Anonymous said...

So glad you are OK!!!

Chetta said...

A little better this morning than yesterday. Finally was able to sleep! TT

Alejandro Jorge said...

Oh my God! What a way to end your ideal vacation. I am thankful to God the two of you escaped virtually unscathed. Too often these type of accidents end tragically or leave you permanently disabled.

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