Friday, October 14, 2011

What first

Did I say at about this time last week that I was taking a week vacation and had nothing planned?  I am trying to decide if it was a good idea to not have anything planned or to have taken the week off in the first place.  But that sounds off, wrong, cynical and maybe a little overdone.  I keep thinking when I show up at work next week they will ask me how my vacation went.  They will look at me with expectation to tell them the splendid details of how it was relaxing and great and how I got so many things done that I had put off and still had time to relax, just wonderful!  It started off that way.  I've been thinking in all honesty I will have to say to those asking... well, it started out fabulous, turned absolutely horrible, got tense, hectic, exhausting and then it tried to even out but I ran out of time.
Truthfully, it hasn't evened out yet.  I still have major sorts of things to do although we have made some strides in putting things back in order again.
Jay has no car but since I have been off I have given him rides to and from work since he refused to miss.  The insurance company did total his car completely so that is not a question.  Yesterday morning I was feeling a little better when I woke since I was finally able to get some sleep.  I went for a run, showered, took him to work, and did some grocery shopping.  I had enough time to put everything away and then head out to get my hair trimmed.  I thought it would be a feel-good thing to do and since my hairdresser had finally returned my call (the very morning of the accident)! I thought the noon appointment was a good idea.  That was when I got a call from Jay saying he needed me to get some account information on his car to give to the insurance company and to stop by the bank and to come to the shop to sign and overnight some paperwork.  He agreed I should go ahead with my hair appointment and regroup afterward.  I was glad I did and all those things were done and more.  I didn't get to the shopping for Selma's baby shower that I had originally planned.  And I just remembered the eye doctor never called me back.
I still have things to do today but Jay has decided on what new car he wants.  Hopefully, it can get settled in the next day or so.  I'll be on the phone with the bank that is promising me that 1.9% financing.  I'd rather go in with a great option then take a chance on whatever the car dealership might offer.  Choices are always better when options are presented.
So, no.  Things have not evened out yet and I feel as if I am running out of time.  The good part is I have a bit more and I am feeling more rested compared to two days ago.  There really are positives everywhere.  Things could have worked out so much worse.  I think I can pace myself to get to that place where it will finally even out.  Of course, I can!  I just have to figure out what to tackle first.


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