Monday, September 24, 2012

Walking weather

The weekend went too quickly.  It came and went in one of those flashes before my eyes. What the heck?!  How can I be sitting here again on a Monday morning so soon?  But the thought for the day is, "it will be what it will be."
All the past is now fact that I can't change.  I only have the present and future to work on.  So stop the belly aching and get on with it.  It's as good as I want it to be and as fine as I make it.
The past facts for the weekend were that I managed to get out and run both mornings.  Jay even asked me yesterday afternoon if I wanted to go out to walk.  That statement had me missing a beat for a moment.  He absolutely never takes me up on that suggestion.  Never.  So he had me thoroughly surprised when he asked. 
There was a lull during the day with both of us sitting around and out of the blue he said, "Do you want to go take a walk? Oh, already ran this morning."
"But you already did early.  I forgot."
I said, "I was already thinking to suggest that but every time I mention us going to walk you shoot me down.  I really was thinking it would be nice to go out."
"Okay.  Put on your shoes."
And we did go for a walk.  We drove out to a really small park and took a short stroll.  It was a very short stroll but it wasn't me suggesting it or pushing it.  It was pretty fine.
So even though the weekend went too quickly I cannot discount the fine things about it.  It was what it was.  And it was pretty good.


Anonymous said...

A walk in the romantic,holding hands.

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