Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I went to lunch later than my normal late yesterday. I had an issue at my desk that turned into a forty-five minute delay. By the time I finally left my desk, the café was closed so I went out and grabbed something quick and brought it back to the break room at work to eat. The television was on CNN and they were broadcasting the last few minutes of the Michael Jackson Memorial Service at the Staples Center. I found a table and watched.

It reminded me of a young toddler of two who had just moved from a small town to the big city with his mom and dad. His dad was traveling the first weekend they moved, so mom and young son headed out to explore and see what the city had to offer without breaking their small and very modest bank account. It turned into an afternoon of pizza, ice cream, and the purchase of a Michael Jackson album. It was the Thriller album. You know, where the not yet King of Pop is lying across the front of the album in a white suit and black dress shirt. It was the start of a love of music and dance by a young boy whose initials were also MJ. It didn't take long for you to find him standing in front of the TV watching that video and push up to stand on his toes. The young boy was surprisingly unafraid of the video when the star morph’s into a werewolf and that was the Halloween costume he chose to wear that year. He would imitate the moves and call himself by his initials. He learned all the lyrics and would play it over and again without getting weary of hearing it. The young boy grew and other albums were purchased by the famous MJ and many other artists.

Soon, the young boy was no longer so young and had left Michael Jackson behind. He never lost his interest in music but had gone on to discover another interest by another superstar with the MJ the young man. This new MJ was Michael Jordan and basketball had taken the new center stage for the young man whose initials were also MJ. It was a driving force for this young man for a good many years. It still is. I know he still grabs games when he can and yes, he still listens to all kinds of music.

While watching the memorial service, I thought it interesting that an album purchased so very long ago would have such an impact on such a young and small individual. It is interesting that the album purchased is the best selling album of all time with 50 million sold. I thought it was interesting that this artist’s memorial service was at the Staples Center where, I am sure, another significant influence in this child’s life had played more than a few games of basketball. I thought it interesting that all three go by the initials MJ.

Now, one is gone, one no longer plays, and one is now an adult that would never be considered a small town boy. I need to make a call to that adult that was once a two year old in a new city to dig in and find out what his memories are. Life keeps churning.



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