Friday, October 19, 2012

Free advertising

I will be baking a batch of my PC cookies this weekend.  They will need to be delivered to a local magazine office for a photo shoot.  They need to be ready for their close-up!
I was contacted by an editor of the city magazine that is doing a feature on Christmas cookies.  She wants to include one of my cookies with five other cookie-makers/bakers to be included in the story.  After talking to her, we decided to use the PC cookie since she didn't think anyone else had that type of cookie and it has the perfect holiday colors of red and green from the pistachios and cranberries.  I thought that made perfect sense (especially since I was the one that pointed it out).  I had to write a short blurb which I didn't understand since she's the expert but I put something together and sent it off to her.
This is coming off the heels of me being contacted to be included in the local coupon booklet.  You know the ones...the big book of coupons you buy that contain all kinds of discounts for a multitude of products and services.  I was offered to have a coupon included for free as a new business.  I checked the contract and it's no cost to me except to honor the coupons.  Not a bad investment for advertising I'd can zero be a bad idea?
So, a simple batch of beautiful cookies is what I need to do.  Not exactly a very time-consuming or labor intensive task for the benefit!  Who'd have thought?!


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