Tuesday, October 23, 2012


My laptop seems to want to drag today.  It's slow, its taking longer than usual to pull up a page, it is noticibly clocking.  It just can't seem to catch up.  It should be going faster.  There are four pages open and it should be clicking through these like 1-2-3.  Four.
I think it might have been me not giving it a chance to fully wake up.  I have that bad habit.  I have no account for things that aren't moving along as soon as they are up and on their feet.  It might be my own bad habit of being fully awake as soon as I get up.  Morning person, glaring you in the face.  Not only morning person but pretty much pre-dawn person.  How could anyone or anything not drag a bit when I boot it up while it still thinks it's midnight?
I think my laptop might have caught up to me now.  Maybe it had time to shake the fog from it's brain or hard drive.  It finally realized I wouldn't back away now but I would go away in a bit and it could hibernate again.  Maybe now I can get back to those other pages...


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