Sunday, November 29, 2015

Chilled to distraction

It's been officially cold the past two days by my standards. I won't dwell on the weather because I will and can stay inside and be perfectly happy. I have other chores to keep my time occupied. One of the first things I need to do is clean up my work room right here upstairs. I've managed to make a pretty little mess in a few places with materials and paper that needs to stop being a lump here and there. It all needs to be sorted, folded, and put in it's appropriate place whether that is thrown out or neatly saved.

I've been meaning to do it for a few days. Every time I step into the room it's my utmost thought. I need to clean this up. Then I promptly sit at the laptop, ignore the mess around me, than proceed out of the room and do something else. I'm sure the other things are less important, like washing clothes or making dinner. But today is the day I will tackle this room.

The organization will inspire me and allow me to think freely without the distraction of the menial things that need to be done. It will stop me from making ridiculous priority lists that never have any real meaning. It will help with some clear thinking on all the important things going on. No. I'll have a clean room. Bottom line, to me, that is important period.

And it will distract me from the weather by keeping busy.


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