Sunday, July 28, 2013

Day 8 & 9 - CH

Saturday and Sunday, July 27 & 28, 2013 - Day 8 & 9 - CH:

I didn't write anything yesterday (Saturday).  I might not write today (Sunday).  I'm not sure why I titled this as if I had anything to report.  Then again, I will very likely get some writing done today.  But, I do not think I will continue to do a Day 10, 11, 12...3579, 3580... 40,683...yikes!  What a disaster!  Maybe, I need to intersperse updates and do all that I do in the background.  Why not?  I do everything else I do in the background.
Fact is...I needed the time off yesterday.  I had one of those mid-summer hazy cloud-over-my-head days.  I knew I needed to get myself dressed and get out of the house but I was never able to get myself to do it.  Then Mr. L wanted to come over to play and I had the best reason to stay put.  We spent the afternoon together and that worked out fine for the both of us.  He went through my books, again, the way he does.  He speed reads them mostly, flipping the pages very quickly by pressing his thumb to the edges.  Sometimes, he just takes a break.

It can get pretty exhausting, all that reading.  Or writing.  So I took a break yesterday, too.  I just didn't stretch out and snooze.


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