Saturday, July 20, 2013

Simple goal?

I am at the point of information overload.  I knew I was creeping toward that end but continued to fill my head with another article, another piece of advise, another viewpoint of how all this writing should be done.  It is all good information but there is no reason to ingest it all in one sitting or continuous sittings.  Besides, it doesn't leave me enough time to do the actual thing I am trying to figure out how to do (correctly) which is writing fiction.
It wouldn't seem to be a stupid approach to read and try to learn as much as I can, but when I forfeit the one thing I are trying to do it is stupid.  Or it isn't smart.  It would be the same as trying to run by reading Runners World all day and week but never taking a step in my running shoes.  What good is all the information about stride and hydration if you never actually put it into practice?  Oh, dear.  Another reminder of something else I haven't done all week.  Great.  But that's a joke (really).  This isn't a beat myself up session.  So I missed a week.  Challenge me - I'll take you on.
I have been catching myself reading another article from Writer's Digest as it popped up in my inbox and I would half-grin knowing I was going to read one more article instead of sliding it into a folder for later.
So this is a reminder to myself to put aside ALL reading materials for now (Ouch, this might hurt) and write a draft of that short 7500 word story I started.  Okay, I am smiling here because this isn't a new goal.  Maybe I just needed to 'officially' make it the goal.  With certain parameters, and I should organize my desk, and have a deadline, and, wait, hold up... KISS...yes, stupid.  You all know what that means.  Keep it simple.
Goal = 7500 words.
and go for a 'friggin run.


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