Saturday, July 6, 2013

Tums, please

I just finished reading two "fluff" books.  If you are not sure what those might be, I will explain.
I have been working my way through a very dark, gritty, detective, murder series of books.  (Yes.  I know.  I read a lot of books that are the furthest from what I might write but that is beside what I am talking about here).  This particular series has some extremely interesting characters that test and go beyond the limits you might expect in any other set of books.  It doesn't always prove to make these characters likeable but because they are "true" I keep going back to read more. 
Well, I read myself through this entire series of books except for the very latest - last one.  But since I wanted to take a short break from the dark, gritty, murder, I switched genre's and picked a couple of frivolous, silly, girly books.  These are the "fluff" books.  Plain, simple, sometimes funny books about nothing more than getting from Point A to Point B.
I do this often.  I switch back and forth, hopping around from this book to that.  And that is what I did.  The first silly, girly book was just enough sweetness and light and distraction.  Unfortunately, the second silly, girly book was murderous!  I knew from the beginning it was going to be tough going but I kept reading.  It was pure agony but I made myself read the entire book.  When I was finished I felt like I had gotten off a carnival ride after eating too much cotton candy, caramel-corn, hot dogs, and pretzels.  I wanted to puke.  While reading it, I kept trying to tell myself it was a good time but it wasn't.   
I know.  That was pretty strong.  It obviously couldn't have been that bad if it was published and all.  The author was probably writing for a younger more annoying, immature audience and I just happened to pick the wrong book at the wrong time and it's all my own fault.  I overindulged on frivolous.
Needless to say, I started that last, most recent book from that dark, gritty, detective, murder series.  I've sped through the first 50 pages and already two people have been killed, another injured, and secrets are being kept that might damage a relationship.  You would think that might upset me but no. I guess I only needed one girly book to prime me before I started up this last book in the series.  I should have known better than to stuff myself with the other.  I could have saved myself some heartburn.  My fault.


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